Pruning is the most common tree maintenance service we provide. Pruning is often performed to achieve aesthetic goals or to improve branch structure. We strongly recommend periodic pruning as a proactive approach to improving overall tree vigor and eliminating hazardous limb failure.
Proper pruning will:
Reduce risk of limb failure
Improve tree posture and branch structure
Reduce spread of disease
Improve light filtration through canopy
Improve air circulation within canopy
Improve aesthetics
Reduce long term tree maintenance costs
*Occasionally, we’re asked to “top” a tree for certain reasons. This is never a recommended practice and should not be performed. Topping a tree can lead to a multitude of tree disorders. Decay, starvation, increased pest and disease development, weak secondary shoot production, and an ugly appearance are a few problems that occur following topping practices. If a tree is exhibiting die-back in the crown or needs to be maintained at a lower height, then, a reduction or pollard may be performed to achieve the desired outcome. Call or email to speak with a Certified Arborist about correct pruning practices here in the Hill Country.